What is this? Tuesday? Right. Tacos. Mmm. That's weird....
I just watched the clock turn from 3:33 to 3:34.. but the weird is that I looked a minute ago it was 3:34... hmm. Interesting.
So, the message of the day... There's really two of them going on here. There is a song. And an image. The interpretation of which both is highly subjective. As good art should be. But, anyway. Yeah. That thing I was talking about earlier... synchronicity ... It applies to anything at all, really. Chaos and order somehow lined up just right to reveal something ponderous and poignant for a moment. So, I can read tunes just as well as cards. Bones. feathers. buttons. Scraps of paper and off bits of this and that. Anything at all really. The universe is cool like that.
This song is a shuffled, random mystery that appears as I begin to type words, so I may listen to its words and incorporate them into the message. It says: Why do I break when my heart bends? Why do I stay where my heart stands? Why do I mask what my heart seals? Why do I ask what I feel? What do we hide? The inside. -- It goes along well with the image on the card of something painful happening in our heart. But we can walk on. The Five of Cups... Let's see... another 5... this time is feelings of bitterness and loss... grief for what might have been or what was wasted. But, it's not entirely hopeless. This is a temporary disappointment. All is not lost. This is not the end. There is much more to the story yet. There is a sense of leaving something behind. You've come out of the woods and crossed the river. Maybe it's good to just keep going.
card of the day artist: Casey Grooten VIsual Art | Portfolio (cgrooten7485.wixsite.com)